Welcome to my Google sites website for the latest project I am undertaking at Project The Remote Influencer - PTRI : Kingdom Without Walls and Borders - KWWB
My name is Anand Sule. I am the founder of KWWB. I am confident that KWWB will be of great benefit to society. As I am the founder of KWWB, I will be the King of this virtual kingdom. KWWB will mainly be an online community. However, I will do in person work in my local community and I will help communities across the globe, thanks to internet based technology.
I will include ideas, information and research, plus consulting work into KWWB. I will also include some elements of fantasy and role playing and play games by Facebook. This is a new term I came up with. I have based this in part on play by email or play games by email. As you can see, KWWB is highly creative in essence.
KWWB will start as an online virtual kingdom. However, it can develop into a powerful organization or think tank hybrid. I may sell the domain name to Elon Musk. The idea is revolutionary. If Elon Musk and the other tech and different types of billionaires around the world were to join forces, they could transform KWWB into an actual, real world and very powerful organization. They would be able to solve political and societal, environmental problems which plague the world. The world is in real danger at present. Especially since we have crazy leaders making threats of nuclear war to the world. The newly re-formed KWWB could have a King or it could have a collective king whereby the great minds work together as kings. It's up to them. They will run the show.
The name of this site is something out of the ordinary. The acronym works well. The web address would have been way too long had it been spelled out : kingdomwithoutwallsandborders.org
Here is a link to my FuShutup MP3 track. It's a rude and somewhat funny dance jingle I made in order to vent some anger toward some of the bad things that are happening in the world.

Here is a jingle, without music, for KWWB.